

An integrated and accessible transport network is essential for the social and economic development of cities and regions. A well-functioning transport infrastructure allows people and goods to travel more smoothly, contributing to make societies more dynamic and inclusive.

POLIS is sensitive to the topic of infrastructure as it is closely linked to many other topics that span from safety to health and traffic efficiency. Safe and reliable road infrastructure, for instance, can dramatically reduce the number of accidents; whilst well-designed interchanges can favour multimodality and therefore a more sustainable mobility in cities and regions. Infrastructure is also a key element of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), which ensure sustainable transport development within cities.

POLIS is currently involved in VITALNODES, an EU-funded project which promotes efficient and sustainable freight delivery for the last-mile at the nodes of the TEN-T (Trans-European Transport Network), and in the project MORE, which is developing concepts and tools for a better design of road space along corridor roads in five European cities.

POLIS members regularly discuss infrastructure-related issues in the POLIS Working Groups on Access.

Image: Diogo Brandao/Unsplash

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