EU Commission calls for feedback on TEN-T guidelines
The European Commission has launched a consultation period for revision of trans European transport network (TEN-T) guidelines.
EU policy on transport infrastructure aims to facilitate transport across Europe and reduce regional, economic and social disparities by developing interconnected infrastructure for air, road, rail and shipping (the trans-European transport network).
In light of Green Deal objectives, there is pressing need to re-evaluate TEN-T regulations to improve alignment between environmental, economic and social mobility requirements.
The initiative aims to tackle the emissions and efficiency losses, identifying capacity for alternative fuels; digital preparedness, and resilience of the TEN-T mobility infrastructure.
In order to evaluate preliminary policy options the initiative has launched a consultation period. Mobility stakeholders including, operators, national, regional and local authorities, NGOs are invited to provide their feedback. This process is designed to improve the Commission's understanding of the problem and possible solutions and to make available any relevant information that they may have, including on possible impacts of the different options.
More information and links to the questionnaire can be found here.