6th European Mobility Days
From 16-17 May, the 6th European Mobility Days will be held in Strasbourg. This year's event revolves around an essential theme: the challenge of demand for sustainable transport options. Want to join the discussions? Reserve your spot today!
Whether you are a newcomer to the European Mobility Days or a five-time participant, you will not want to miss out on the 6th edition of this leading European mobility event, set to take place at the Institut National des Études Territoriales (Strasbourg) from 16-17 May 2024. This year's event will be hosted by Cerema and CNFPT, in partnership with the Eurometropole of Strasbourg, GART, UTP, Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT), University of Gustave Eiffel, FNAU, the Strasbourg Urban Planning Agency, and POLIS network.
Together, the partners are excited to offer two exciting days of mobility discussions focused on the theme, 'Mobility in the regions: The challenge of demand.'
Event agenda
To foster the growth of comprehensive sustainable mobility alternatives across Europe's cities and regions, the 6th edition of the European Mobility Days will delve into both the supply and demand sides of the sustainable mobility equation.
The event will be divided into three main sessions focused around the following questions:
- How can we support local residents in the necessary changes and help them to adopt new practices?
- How can public spaces be better shared and managed in the face of a proliferation of desired uses?
- How can we develop public transport and complementarity between modes of transport in a difficult economic climate?
You can access the full agenda here.
You can sign up for the event here.
Fees: Participants are asked to make a financial contribution of 80 euros for logistical costs, excluding participants from local authorities, students, the press, and speakers.
Registration deadline: You have until midnight 3 May 2024 (11:59 pm) to reserve your spot. Due to limited capacity, you are advised to sign up as soon as possible.
Have any questions? Feel free to reach out to POLIS' Director of Policy & Projects, Ivo Cré, at icre@polisnetwork.eu.
For more information about the European Mobility Days in Strasbourg, visit Cerema's webpage. You can also access our report on last year's European Mobility Days in Strasbourg here.