EU Policy

The voice of cities and regions

POLIS contributes to EU policy and legislative initiatives in the field of transport that may have an impact at the local and regional levels. We regularly update members on relevant European policy, develop position and discussion papers on topical issues, put forward amendments to EU legislative documents and financial perspectives, and organise Brussels-based high-level events on key policy challenges related to urban mobility.

POLIS participates in European Commission consultation groups such as the Expert Group on Urban Mobility and the Sustainable Transport Forum. The annual Leadership Summit offers the opportunity for policy dialogue with industry and innovation leaders.

Co-creating European legislation and supporting implementation

POLIS contributes to EU policies by informing legislators about local experiences and project findings. We systematically brief our members on the regulatory processes related to transport, including clean vehicles, road safety, air quality, automation, MaaS, and more. We also engage in the development of European guidance for cities and regions.

We prioritise the following fields for the implementation of EU legislation:

  • TEN-T Urban Nodes: We help our members meet the requirements for 431 Urban Nodes concerning SUMPs, UMIs, and intermodal infrastructure for both passengers and freight.
  • Zero Emission/Zero Pollution: We support the implementation of the Fit-for-55 legislation, AFIR, and the Clean Vehicles Directive.
  • Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Data: We assist in the implementation of the revised ITS Directive and associated Delegated Regulations (RTTI, MMTIS, etc.)—moreover, we contribute to the European Mobility Data Space and address data-related legislation in the field of mobility (CBED, ISA, etc.).
  • Social Climate Fund: We ensure the involvement of local and regional authorities in the development of efficient and effective measures to mitigate transport poverty.

Defining priorities for research funding

POLIS is a member of the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) and leads the platform’s Urban Mobility Working Group, which advises the European Commission on urban mobility topics that should be prioritized for EU funding in the research and innovation framework programmes. POLIS is a founding member of the 2Zero and CCAM partnerships and contributes to their Strategic Research Agendas.

More on the Leadership Summits

The POLIS Leadership Summits annually bring together high-level political and technical leaders in government, business, advocacy, research, and action, facilitate a high-level dialogue between the public and private sectors, enable knowledge exchange, foster peer-to-peer cooperation, and feed the development of messages to the COP and other events. Our Summits have been in Glasgow, Stockholm, and Prague!

The upcoming Leadership Summit will take place in Rome, Italy, in 2025.


More on the Political Group Meetings

Our Political Group Meetings are unique forums for intense knowledge exchange to foster peer-to-peer cooperation and navigate the complex governance surrounding shifts to more sustainable mobility. Our Political Group Meetings have been held in Prague, Paris, Brussels, Stockholm, and Leuven.

In November 2024, Karlsruhe welcomed elected colleagues to continue these high-level conversations. More about our latest meeting can be read here.

Arthur D. Little x POLIS: ‘The future of mobility 5.0’

In collaboration with POLIS, this new report by Arthur D. Little delves into the future of mobility and explores eight potential solutions to double global sustainable mobility over the next decade.

Local must lead! - POLIS Manifesto for the European Elections

In support of an ambitious European Green Deal that works for all citizens and in view of the upcoming European Union parliamentary election, POLIS has written a manifesto to outline its priorities to empower cities and regions for better transport!

Urban Nodes: Empowering cities and regions to build the TEN-T

At the start of the 2024 Connecting Europe Days, the Urban Nodes Alliance jointly published the position paper ‘Urban Nodes: Empowering cities and regions to build the TEN-T’. POLIS joins other leading networks, territorial groupings, and EU-funded research projects in calling for EU Member States to support urban nodes within the TEN-T.

Catch me if you can! How European cities regulate shared micromobility

Curious to know how shared micromobility is evolving across Europe and what role it might play in tomorrow’s mobility mix? Discover our newest report on shared micromobility!

Just Transition Agenda for Urban Mobility

At the POLIS Conference 2021 in Gothenburg, POLIS launched a document on what is needed to achieve a just transition in urban mobility. Since then, the document has guided and inspired POLIS’ networking, capacity-building, and advocacy activities.