
Successful Joint CoEXist / MAVEN / TransAID workshop on the implications of vehicle automation for city and regional authorities

Over 50 people participated both from local authorities and other urban transport stakeholders giving valuable feedback to the three projects.

Alter a brief introduction about the three projects and a speech given by professor Bart van Arem from Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) on the pros and cons of automated vehicles in our cities, participants were split into three parallel groups sessions each of them with a specific sub-topic to discuss in detail the projects’ future tasks and activities. It was also the occasion for the CoEXist project to introduce the so-called Automation-ready framework for local authorities in order to set a baseline to help cities get prepared in terms of polices infrastructure toward the arrival of automated vehicles.

The Worksop followed Polis’ Traffic Efficiency and Mobility Working Group meeting and preceded the CoEXist consortium meeting where all the partners and advisory board members discussed in the presence of the European Agency INEA what the project has developed so far and which are the next steps and planned activities.

The CoEXist website is available at