Mobilising Mobility
Building on the experience of the successful Post-Lockdown Mobility webinar series, we were happy to announce a new series of POLIS webinars – Mobilising Mobility: Turning European transport innovation into local action.
The Mobilising Mobility webinars provided a platform for urban transport stakeholders to learn, discuss and share valuable experience and knowledge on how to integrate new transport solutions in local mobility policies, thus moving from European research to actual deployment and concrete implementation on the ground.
The webinars showcased leading transport innovation initiatives and projects in areas such as new mobility services, micromobility, automation, electromobility, public space management, inclusive mobility, data, parking, and much more.
Whilst our webinars on post-lockdown mobility were only accessible to POLIS members, the Mobilising Mobility webinars were all open to the public and free of charge.
Click on the links below to know more about each webinar and view recordings.
December 2020
- Thursday 17 December: Cycle Highway Innovations (Active Travel and Health Working Group).
November 2020
- Tuesday 3 November: ‘Planning user-centric electromobility: the importance of user acceptance’ (eCharge4Drivers) Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Thursday 5 November: ‘Data-driven Urban Mobility Planning and Citizen Science: a match made in heaven’ (WeCount) Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Tuesday 10 November: ‘Like two peas in a pod: Digital Twins for urban planning’ (LEAD) Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Thursday 12 November: ‘Managing uncertainty of future mobility trends’ (Momentum & GECKO) Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Tuesday 17 November: ’The role of local authorities in energy systems for e-mobility’ (SEEV4CITY & Cleanmobilenergy) Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Thursday 19 November: ‘MaaS: crossing (modal) borders’ (MyCorridor, MOBI-MIX, HANDSHAKE and SATELLITE) Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
October 2020
- Tuesday, 6 October: ‘Dynamic space management – are we there yet?’ (MORE) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Thursday, 8 October: ‘The future of mobility in cities: designing policy responses to mobility innovation’ (GECKO & SPROUT) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Tuesday, 13 October: ‘Parking – greener, smarter, stricter’ (Park4SUMP) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Thursday, 15 October: ‘Impact assessment of automated vehicles’ (LEVITATE and CoEXist) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Tuesday, 20 October: ‘Towards sustainable mobility – one neighbourhood at a time’ – (SUNRISE, Cities-4-People, Looper, Metamorphosis) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Thursday, 22 October: ‘For a more inclusive, equitable and accessible mobility – The INCLUSION toolbox’ (INCLUSION) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Tuesday, 27 October: ‘Regulating access to cities – how to be more efficient and effective?’ (ReVeAL, UVARBOX and Dynaxability) – Find the recording here
- Thursday, 29 October: ‘MaaS – CIVITAS delivers!’ (CIVITAS SATELLITE, ECCENTRIC and PORTIS) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Tuesday, 8 September: ‘New Mobility Services – What’s the Consumers’ Perspective?’ (GECKO) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Thursday, 10 September: ‘e-Mobility hubs and transport modelling: the case of Leuven’ (eHubs; MOMENTUM) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Tuesday, 15 September: ‘EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK: Campaigns to support zero-emission mobility solutions’ (EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page.
Find the recording here
- Thursday, 17 September: ‘Changing the parking fundamentals’ (Park4SUMP) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Tuesday, 22 September: ‘Inclusive mobility for an inclusive society: new approaches and solutions’ (INCLUSION; HiReach) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here
- Thursday, 24 September: ‘How to make mobility work for all: embracing inclusiveness’ (INDIMO; TRIPS; DIGNITY) – Find the presentations in the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the event page. Find the recording here