POLIS’ Multimodal Traffic Management Days dive in!
Across 13-14 September, POLIS’ Traffic Efficiency Working Group traversed the leading issues shaping traffic management and how cities, regions and their mobility partners are finding solutions.
The Mobility & Traffic Efficiency Working Group addresses the broad subject of multimodal network management from both a strategic and technical perspective. Its main purpose is to enable knowledge sharing and reflection about current transport practice, new developments and evolving European policy related to network management, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and data.
In cooperation with POLIS’ Access and Active Travel Working Groups, this event which took place at the POLIS premises in Brussels, traversed the length and breadth of traffic management, examining traffic (circulation) planning & multimodal network management as well as the EU’s real-time traffic information (RTTI) delegated regulation.
The event wove together these critical issues, examining the shift away from the traditionally car-based approach to traffic management towards a system that integrates and prioritises pedestrians, cyclists and public transport, while providing a comprehensive overview of the European regulations which are shaping the backdrop of the actions playing out in our cities and regions.
The meeting heard from cities including Brussels and Oxford, as well as regions including Overijssel and Greater Manchester, who provided insights into the strategies they have been exploring and challenges they have faced.
It was also an opportunity for attendees to hear more about cutting edge projects including DIT4TraM, Tangent, Synchromode and Acumen, as well as see for themselves how many of these technologies and approaches are being implemented across Brussels.
For more information, please contact lbabio@polisnetwork.eu
POLIS members can view all the presentations HERE.