2nd EMR Connect Workshop
After a first successful workshop in the framework of Interreg EMR Connect in Aachen in late January, Rupprecht Consult and POLIS Network are co-organising the second workshop in cooperation with the City of Hasselt.
The colleagues from the Belgian city are inviting you to the workshop on 29 March from 10:00 to 16:00 at the town hall (Stadhuis, Limburgplein 1). Afterwards, an informal get-together will allow you to get to know the experts from Euregio Maas-Rhine.
What can you expect from the workshop in Hasselt?
The first part of the workshop will include an overview of the current plans of the City of Hasselt on urban mobility, Park&Ride and public transport. Opportunities for exchange will be provided during this part of the event. After a lunch break, all participants will jump on shared bikes to visit the different locations in and around the historic city centre of Hasselt. Alternatives for those, who can’t cycle will be provided. The site visits will bring the participants to shared spaces, new active mobility infrastructure, park&ride facilities and several historical sites of Hasselt.
Will additional speakers give insights beyond the city of Hasselt?
Yes. The last details are being discussed behind the scenes, but Aachen and other EMR cities plan to share inputs on their mobility plans. The informal get-together after the workshop will provide additional opportunities for exchange.
Draft Agenda:
- Opening of the workshop by the City of Hasselt
- Presentations of the Hasselt Mobility Plan
- Coffee Break
- Hasselt Circulation Plan
- Presentations from EMR Cities
- Aachen Mobility Plan
- Other cities to be confirmed
- Lunch
- Site visits
- Informal get-together