Call for Interest: Curbside Management Services Providers
BUAS and POLIS invites for providers of curbside management services to express their interest for future cooperation by responding to our call for interest by 31 May.
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) and POLIS are calling for companies and organizations that provide services in the field of curb side management, in all its aspects (mapping, booking, monitoring, enforcement, pricing etc...). The companies that reply by filling in this call for expressions of interest by May 31, will be reflected in an online data-base on this topic, and can be part of future informative activities involving European cities and regions.
This call is the next step in a process that was started by POLIS (Cities), ALICE (logistics), EPA (Parking), Erasmus University and FIT Consulting (Academia and consultancy), and UITP (public transport) in 2020. These organizations are cooperating to explore opportunities to improve parking management and urban logistics by better and smarter access management integrated with flexible and shared use of urban space and parking.
The partnership conducted a survey, that proved that action in the field of curbside management is timely: changes in consumer behavior, new e-commerce services, instant deliveries, and the COVID-19 pandemic, along with traditional freight movements, are causing an increase in last-mile deliveries and a pressure on the system due to the lack of available and appropriate space for these operations. Innovative measures are needed to help cities reduce congestion (double parking, etc.) and trips, achieve sustainable mobility goals, improve deliveries efficiency, anticipate new technologies, and potentially increase revenues.
The survey also showed that there is a growing business of curb side management service providers. With this call for expressions of interest, we want to enable service providers to better show their offer to local and regional authorities, and for local and regional authorities to better understand which companies are providing services in this regard.
The information collected through this survey will be made available in a structured way to European Cities and Regions. BUAS and Polis will bilaterally confirm information that would be published. You can also be invited for future capacity building activities in this field, including a session where you would be invited to pitch your concept(s)/product(s)/service(s). This activity would take place end of June.
The call for expression of interest is available here.