Join the MORE Exchange Forum and contribute to design better road space
Changing the way we view and use road space
The EU-funded MORE project is developing tools assisting cities in their road space design process. It develops design concepts that encourage street activity and reduce traffic dominance by considering the needs of all road users. The MORE Exchange Forum is a platform to discuss ideas and provide feedback on the tools developed within the project.
Members of the MORE Exchange Forum will receive frequent updates, meet regularly throughout the duration of the project and will have the opportunity to shape the MORE tools and concepts.
The MORE Exchange Forum Members will closely follow, comment on and validate the development of the tools throughout the project and will finally receive tailored guidance on how to use the tools in their own context.
Members of the MORE Exchange Forum will also serve as a valuable sounding board for specific activities in other areas of intervention of the MORE project, where user needs are identified, regulatory frameworks are studied, scenarios are developed, and road design requirements identified.
First meeting: 1st October 2019 in Graz, Austria
The first MORE Exchange Forum meeting will take place on 1 October 2019 in Graz, Austria, in conjunction with the 2019 Civitas Forum Conference. The two following MORE Exchange Forum meetings will take place in 2020 and 2021 respectively.
Representatives of local and regional authorities, commercial associations, users’ representatives and private companies from Europe can express their interest to join the MORE Exchange Forum by filling this online form.
All Forum members are invited to participate in the annual Forum Meetings. Limited financial support is available to assist a small number of members to attend, where other sources of funding are not available.
The deadline for application to participate in the first Forum meeting is 1st September 2019.
The full information document on the MORE Exchange Forum is available here. If you have any questions on how to join the MORE Exchange Forum, please contact Francesco Ripa.
MORE is developing and implementing procedures for the design of urban corridor roads. MORE will test these in five urban nodes of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), Budapest, Lisbon, Constanta, London and Malmö and will deliver tools to assist cities in their roadspace design process.
For more information, please visit the MORE website.