MORE TEN-T Corridor Workshop
The MORE TEN-T Corridor Workshop will be held in Budapest, 25th of February 2020, 11.00-18.00.
The workshop addresses common challenges and solutions of the metropolitan areas (so called ‘urban nodes’ in the European legislation) placed on the same TEN-T corridor. It brings together the MORE project partners and pilot cities with the representatives of several cities along the TEN-T Mediterranean, Rhine-Danube and Orient-East Med Corridors.
After an introduction to the MORE Project, the discussion will focus on policy/planning-related aspects that can support an effective integration of the interface between urban mobility planning (i.e. more efficient use of road space) and TEN-T network (i.e. inclusion of the functional urban area around the city + incorporation within the EU ecosystem).
The workshop will be complemented by a series of presentations from projects and cities on concrete policies and measures in place to define an interface between urban areas (nodes) and the TEN-T corridors.
As the event will start with the site visit of the Kelenfold Railway Station, the meeting point is the ground floor of the BKK Headquarters, where participants will gather at 11am and leave for the visit to the Kelenfold Railway Station.
For more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Piero Valmassoi ( or Giacomo Lozzi (