Mobilising Mobility: Managing uncertainty when dealing with the Future of Mobility
Predicting the future of urban mobility is difficult, if not even impossible.
Transport modelling is an efficient tool to manage uncertainty concerning the behaviour of emerging mobility solutions, such as e-scooters, connected and automated driving or shared mobility. The projects GECKO and MOMENTUM, in which POLIS plays a vital part, aim to predict the future. As part of the Mobilising Mobility Webinar Series, both projects will share their methods and latest updates, as well as engage in an interactive panel discussion.
This webinar was moderated by Pedro Homem de Gouveia.
Featured speakers include:
- Karen Vancluysen, POLIS Network Secretary General
- Javier Burrieza (NOMMON)
- Cristina Valdés Serrano (EMT Madrid)
- Yanick Bousse (UITP)
- Valerio Lubello (University of Bocconi)
This webinar was a POLIS initiative in cooperation with the GECKO and Momentum projects.
View the recording here
About GECKO and Momentum
GECKO supports authorities in developing appropriate regulatory frameworks and governance models, by providing guidance, recommendations, and case studies. This support is vital for the transition to a new mobility era of cooperative, competitive, sustainable, and interconnected mobility across all modes. Thanks to the evidence-based research of the GECKO project, urban municipalities across Europe can profit from the project’s guidance, while preparing for the uncertain future.
MOMENTUM is a three-year project, which just has reached its half-way mark now, focuses on the creation of a set of new data analysis methods, as well as planning support tools and transport models for cities across Europe. These methods will help urban municipalities to integrate disruptive technologies and emerging mobility solutions, such as MaaS, CAVs and other shared services in their traffic models