The aim? To ensure that public transport is accessible and inclusive for all members of society.
INCLUSION was a 3-year project that aims to address several challenges related to the accessibility of public transport in specific urban and rural areas where accessibility, inclusive mobility and equity challenges are greatest.
The main objective of INCLUSION was to understand, assess and evaluate the accessibility and inclusiveness of transport solutions in European prioritised areas. The project identified gaps and needs to propose and experiment with a range of innovative and transferable solutions. Accessible and inclusive public transport for all and especially for vulnerable categories is key to ensuring equity of transport and social inclusion.
INCLUSION brought together transport operators, transport bodies and research organisations from across Europe. Innovative mobility solutions were tested in six Pilot Labs around Europe: Rhein-Sieg (Germany), the Cairngorms National Park (Scotland), Florence Metropolitan Area (Italy), Flanders region (Belgium), Barcelona conurbation (Spain), and Budapest (Hungary). These case studies helped boost the transferability of best practice approaches across Europe.
Find out more about the results of the impact evaluations and cross-case analysis conducted in the different "reference scenarios" across the EU here.
INCLUSION's Evaluation of findings and transferability potential at the European level is available online here.
Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit the project's website and follow them on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
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