2019 - 2023


The aim? To adapt cities to cope with the sustainable transition

It is in this complex scenario that the H2020 project, SPROUT - Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban Mobility Transition - comes into action. The main objective of the project is to put cities at the heart of the urban mobility transition. By building on the solutions to urban mobility challenges - related to both passenger transport and urban freight logistics - the work of SPROUT will be focused on producing new and practice-based knowledge and tools. Such knowledge and tools will contribute to an evidence-based and innovative policy response to disruptive innovations in mobility.

SPROUT builds on results from six pilot cities: Valencia, Padua, Kalisz, Budapest, Tel Aviv, and Ningbo. To ensure wide applicability of this city-led policy response, the projectgroup of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptops will engage with nine validation cities and regions (Hertogenbosch, Ioannina, Gothenburg, Arad, Mechelen, Ile-de-France, West Midlands, Almada and Minneapolis), which will contribute to the revision and testing of the solutions developed in pilot cities. In addition, the SPROUT Open Innovation Community on Urban Mobility Policy was created as an exchange platform, where a diverse range of mobility organisations and cities will be engaged in discussion and debate, thus enabling further validation of the conclusions and the lessons learned throughout the project.

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