Urban space management and (re)allocation
The ultimate scarce product in urban mobility is urban space. The way urban space is distributed and designed has a major impact on the way people and goods move in the city. In their effort to tackle pollution and congestion, cities are starting to give more importance to a fairer distribution of urban space to prioritise sustainable transport modes.
Transport innovation has a strong impact on the way public space is used. The rise of new mobility services and other innovative mobility solutions, for instance, calls for new strategies to manage curb-side space more dynamically.
POLIS projects and Working Groups
POLIS is a partner in the MORE project, an EU-funded project aiming to develop concepts and tools for a better design of road space in Budapest, London, Constanta, Lisbon and Malmö. POLIS favours the exchange of its members on the reorganisation of urban space to favour sustainable mobility in the Working Group on Access.

Member in the Spotlight: Catalonia

Member in the Spotlight: Aarhus

Get inspired by our members and apply for the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK awards!

POLIS at the EPA General Assembly: Strengthening collaboration on EU policy priorities

Member in the Spotlight: Cork

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK focuses on ‘Shared Public Space’

Arthur D. Little and POLIS publish new report on the future of mobility

ELABORATOR unveils Evaluation Plan for measuring inclusive mobility

GIANTS project survey: We need your support!

POLIS publishes fourth edition of Cities in motion magazine

Member in the Spotlight: Ljubljana

POLIS x Pride 2024: Safe by design

Member in the Spotlight: Vic

Member in the Spotlight: Groningen

ERTRAC unveils two pioneering papers

Budapest is among the 2023 EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Award finalists!

ACUTE/UERA Seminar: Programme now available!

SOLUTIONSplus met in Madrid for an exciting study tour!

POLIS publishes second volume of magazine Cities in motion!

POLIS’ Just Transition Webinar explores EV charging for all

Urban Public Space Design project cluster kicks off for collaboration

Join the LENS City Platform & Stakeholder group!

Women shifting gear! Meet the women behind the sustainable mobility transition

Access Just Transition Webinar: “That’s not feasible without a car”

Walk’n’Roll Cities publishes guidebook on mobility and public space

POLIS unveils its brand-new magazine ‘Cities in motion’!

POLIS calls on COP27 to take decisive action and listen to cities

London Borough and VivaCity join forces for 15-Minute Neighbourhood

FlexCurb engages the urban logistic sector in Leuven

Registration for the Annual POLIS Conference 2022 is now open!

Registrations for Urban Mobility Days 2022 are now open

Save the date for the Urban Mobility Days 2022!

Sustrans, Living Streets and ARUP team up for guide on making walking and wheeling inclusive

POLIS’ Active Travel Working Group explores the 15-minute city concept

MORE project releases a video featuring MORE project goals for street space redesign and urban space reallocation

Get to know the MORE project tools for street space redesign and urban space reallocation!

SAVE THE DATE for the Annual POLIS Conference 2022

Leuven is the ‘Best Open-Minded Destination in Europe’

Better streets for better cities: Register for the final event of the MORE project

Tallinn develops predictive digital transport model

Malmö, Copenhagen and Hamburg discuss decarbonisation in urban nodes at MORE online event

Dublin schools successfully monitor traffic and air quality with the help of WeCount

WeCount champions from Barcelona and Madrid in action!

Students from Ljubljana propose new street and traffic arrangements using data from traffic counting sensors

Small and medium-sized cities discuss urban nodes, zero-emission freight and city attractiveness

EIT Urban Mobility survey on effects of the pandemic on urban mobility systems

Upcoming workshops on urban freight: zero-emission and kerbside management

Mobilising Mobility Webinar Series: October

Île-de-France Region signs charter to reduce commuting during peak hours

Regulating Driverless Cars: New Recommendations Published

How to plan cargo bikes hubs for urban logistics?

Call for Sessions at Urbanism Next Europe 2020 is OPEN

How to use scenarios to support transport planning?
Polis to co-organise European Urbanism Next Conference

MORE project reveals new insights on urban road design and road user needs

Recommendations for integration of urban nodes & TEN-T: a policy dialogue

European Week of Regions and Cities: Polis-ERRIN Session on “Integrating New Mobility Services in Public Transport”, 8 October 2019, Brussels

Join the MORE Exchange Forum and contribute to design better road space
A successful INCLUSION mid-term dissemination event in Groningen (The Netherlands)
Do SUMPs promote inclusion and transport justice? Agenda available now!
Participate to the launch event of H2020 HARMONY project in London

Cities-industry cooperation to accelerate deployment of sustainable city logistics solutions
Enroll now in EIT Climate-KIC “Future of transport, how do we deal with it?” course and learn how to address innovation from a public authority perspective

Urban traffic management and vehicle automation

Making transport more accessible and inclusive for all: new approaches and solutions, 18 June 2019 – Groningen (NL).
New financial instrument to support projects contributing to the environmental sustainability and efficiency of the transport sector in Europe
Urban Nodes Forum, 3-4 April in Budapest
Polis facilitates dialogue between cities and regions and new mobility service providers

Upcoming Polis Working Group meetings in 2019
Call to join next round of SUMP Learning Programme extended to 31st January
REFORM: European regions support Sustainable Mobility Planning
MORE launch event: Streets are Ecosystems
How to make transport more accessible and inclusive for vulnerable users? Read the INCLUSION second newsletter!
NEMO, the new mobility design conference in Brussels
The INCLUSION project at GO MOBILITY: 27-28 November, Irun (Spain)
MORE Launch Event: Allocating space/capacity on busy urban roads and street
Park4SUMP: parking management as game changer for urban mobility
Does building new roads reduce congestion? Polis member Sustrans contributes to the “Transport Fit for Future Generations” report.
Five weeks left to apply for the European Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards!
Draft programme of 2018 Polis Conference released
Parking: EPA-Polis-CPA workshop & working group meeting
FLOW and TRACE projects event will ask how walking and cycling can help reduce congestion (13-14 March 2018)
Regulating vehicle access is opening up cities
Promising results of Leuven’s new circulation plan
2017 Polis Conference: Programme launched and registrations open!
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EPA Parking Day

SPACE4CITIES Webinar: Demystifying space technologies for cities, communities, and regions

ShareDiMobiHub Academy 2024

POLIS – ALICE Urban Logistics Webinar: Urban Space for Freight

Amsterdam Drone Week

Regions and Urban Freight working group meeting: Regional land use planning

2022 Annual POLIS Conference

Regions Working Group: Commuter traffic planning and demand management

Urban Mobility Days 2022

USEPE Open Simulation Day

“Urban Air Mobility for All” Stakeholder Workshop

Go Mobility by MUBIL Tradeshow

MORE to hold four online sessions to discuss the present and the future of our streets

MORE 5th TEN-T Network workshop!

SUNRISE Bremen: Street Space Management – Key for mobility and quality of life

ReVeAL Webinar: UVAR Scenarios ReVeALed

Road space reallocation: governance challenges, practical issues & visions for future streets

2nd CAMELOT International Event

Past, present and future of the Interreg MED Programme and of the Governance in the Mediterranean

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Mobilising Mobility: The future of mobility in cities – designing policy responses to mobility innovation

Mobilising Mobility: Dynamic space management – are we there yet?

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LEVITATE webinar on the impacts of automation in urban transport
Spatial and transport planning challenges for integrating traditional & new mobility services
Urban Transitions 2018 Integrating Urban and Transport Planning, Environment and Health for Healthier Urban Living

Cities in motion – Volume II: ‘Leadership for action’

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