
Urban space management and (re)allocation

The ultimate scarce product in urban mobility is urban space. The way urban space is distributed and designed has a major impact on the way people and goods move in the city. In their effort to tackle pollution and congestion, cities are starting to give more importance to a fairer distribution of urban space to prioritise sustainable transport modes.

Transport innovation has a strong impact on the way public space is used. The rise of new mobility services and other innovative mobility solutions, for instance, calls for new strategies to manage curb-side space more dynamically.

POLIS projects and Working Groups

POLIS is a partner in the MORE project, an EU-funded project aiming to develop concepts and tools for a better design of road space in Budapest, London, Constanta, Lisbon and Malmö. POLIS favours the exchange of its members on the reorganisation of urban space to favour sustainable mobility in the Working Group on Access.

The proposed College Green Plaza in Dublin, (c) Dublin City Council

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