LEVITATE webinar on the impacts of automation in urban transport
2nd LEVITATE webinar: The impact of automation in urban transport - featuring local urban strategies
Urban mobility is going through unprecedented changes during this period. Cities are facing challenges which require unique solutions in no time due to the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to these, local mobility strategies for longer terms must be reviewed and adapted to the new normal. Will connected and automated technologies play a more substantial role in urban mobility? How can we predict their impacts on urban mobility?
Join our webinar and listen to our LEVITATE partners and city representatives (National Technical University of Athens and Transport for Greater Manchester), who are eager to share their views with you!
Date & time: 10:00-11:30 CET, 11 June, 2020
Please register online, if you wish to participate. You will receive the participation link by email a few days prior to the webinar.
Source photo:
Vienna City Adminsitration/©schreinerkastler.at