MORE project reveals new insights on urban road design and road user needs
MORE, a Horizon 2020 project investigating new concepts and tools for the design of urban corridor roads, has just released some fresh reports developed during the first year of activities. The report “Urban Corridor Road Design: Guides, Objectives and Performance Indicators” provides a comprehensive review of guidelines and further material for various European countries and for the cities of Budapest, Constanta, Lisbon, London, and Malmö.
Beside of infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, the report gathers information on provisions for public transport, motorised vehicles and kerbside activities.
MORE also released a report investigating the needs of a wide range of road users, titled “Incorporating user needs in the design of major urban TEN feeder route corridors”. The study will be the basis of recommendations on solutions to improve traffic flow in busy streets.
The findings of the two reports will be incorporated in the tools that the project is developing to assist cities in their road space design process.
The Horizon 2020 MORE project, projected to end in 2021, is developing tools and procedures for the design of urban corridor roads. Through the MORE Exchange Forum, which will convene for the second time in June 2020, transport and urban planning experts can provide feedback on the tools and concepts being developed. Polis leads the project’s communication and dissemination activities.