ReVeAL Webinar: UVAR Scenarios ReVeALed
On May 18, 2021, the ReVeAL project is organizing the webinar “UVAR Scenarios ReVeALed: Developing Good Practice in Urban Vehicle Access Regulations; UVAR Building Blocks and the Scenario Building Process”.
The ReVeAL project is looking at how cities can successfully regulate vehicle access in order to create more attractive places for people and business.
By joining the webinar, attendees will find out about the ReVeAL UVAR Building Blocks - what they are, and how they can be used in the UVAR Scenario Building Process. Attendees will also see how the Scenario Building Process can help in surprising ways and will analyse the experience of the process from two of the ReVeAL pilot cities; Bielefeld and Jerusalem.
Register to the webinar!
- Introduction Lucy Sadler, Sadler Consultants
- ReVeALing Building Blocks and the Scenario Building Process Koos Fransen, University Gent
- The Story of the UVAR Scenario Building Process in Bielefeld Lisa Marie, Rupprecht Consult & Olaf Lewald, Bielefeld
- Scenario Building, and what it means for Jerusalem’s UVARs Nimrod Levy, Jerusalem
Details: May 18, 2021 - 4PM-5PM CEST
About ReVeAL
ReVeAL (Regulating Vehicle Access for Improved Liveability) aims to undertake concrete action with regards to 'smarter Urban Vehicle Access Regulations' (UVAR). The overarching mission of the project is to enable cities to optimize urban space and transport network usage through new and integrated packages of urban vehicle access policies and technologies for the benefit of people living in these cities, in sense of reductions of emissions, noise, increased accessibility and quality of life.
The project is a partnership between POLIS, Rupprecht Consult, Ghent University, V-TRON and other stakeholders. It combines desk research and case study research with hands-on UVAR implementation in six pilot cities: Helmond (NL), Jerusalem (IL), London (UK), Padova (IT), Vitoria-Gasteiz (ES) and Bielefeld (DE).
Find the project website here, or follow on Twitter and LinkedIn.