
ERTRAC unveils two pioneering papers

ERTRAC unveils two groundbreaking papers on urban mobility: one on the 15-Minute City concept and the other on Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). Essential for R&I programs, these papers offer transformative insights.

In a significant stride toward shaping the future of urban mobility, the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) announced the adoption of two groundbreaking papers within its Urban Mobility working group.

Urban mobility towards the 15-minute city

This paper unlocks the intricacies of the 15-Minute City (15mc) concept, presenting insights and future pathways for urban mobility. Structured into five sections, the paper:

  • Introduces the concept.
  • Provides real-world examples from European research projects.
  • Examines its relationship with ERTRAC Roadmaps.
  • Concludes with key insights and future research directions.

This concise guide serves as an essential resource for Urban Mobility-focused Research and Innovation (R&I) programs, offering a roadmap to realising the transformative potential of the 15mc vision. Access the paper here.

LEVs in urban mobility

This paper delves into the dynamic world of Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). Focused on the challenges and opportunities emerging from LEV integration into urban mobility, the document carefully delineates:

  • Definitions
  • Infrastructure needs
  • Safety protocols
  • Environmental considerations.

Additionally, it charts a course for future research priorities, designed to facilitate a smooth integration of LEVs into the urban landscape. This illuminating paper not only serves as a catalyst for innovation but also seamlessly aligns with the ongoing updates to the ERTRAC Integrated Urban Mobility Roadmap. Providing a thorough snapshot of ongoing discussions within the ERTRAC community, the document stands as a beacon guiding the evolution of urban mobility. Access the paper here.


For more information, get in contact with Andréia Lopes Azevedo and Mark Meyer.