Get inspired by our members and apply for the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK awards!
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK (EMW) is an exciting week of activities for many POLIS members, with the launch of a variety of festivities, educational events, and other actions to promote sustainable mobility during the week of 16-22 September. Whether they transformed a tram into a nightclub or promoted walking and cycling – our members were very active during the week!
Following up on our recent news on the annual theme, which also highlighted some member activities during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, we are now announcing the launch of the ‘Call for Applications’ for the MOBILITYAWARDS, which remains open for submissions until 31 October.
Cities with inspiring activities and permanent measures are encouraged to apply for the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Award. The MOBILITYACTION Award focuses on innovative and transferable mobility management initiatives from organisations and institutions.
You can learn more about the awards and apply here.
For inspiration, below you can find some more examples of interesting activities held by POLIS members registered within the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK campaign.
Ravenna closed various streets from cars to celebrate ‘shared public space’. The Italian city participated in EMW for the 20th time this year. The city encouraged children to walk to school. These joint walks to and from the school help pupils learn how to walk safely around urban environments.
The promotion of sustainable mobility remains essential even beyond EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK in September, as shown by the launch of the ‘Lab MOVE-UP’ project, funded by the Emilia Romagna Region. The project will develop corporate systems supporting sustainable mobility for workers in the Port of Ravenna. A community of mobility managers will be established to identify and support innovative solutions through the sharing of network services between larger companies and associations, which will also be available to workers from SMEs. Solutions could include a wide range of options, such as car-pooling services, the promotion of cycling, and the setup of corporate benefits.
Young people were attracted by the sound of local DJs to a special party tram, which was free and ran through Ghent's city centre, to promote the public transport night network.
‘Strapdag’ (step & pedal day) was held, which encourages children to use active mobility for their commute to school—an established event celebrated in various Flemish cities across Belgium.
During a car-free day, the old town was transformed into a vast space for sports, and cultural festivals, as well as informational activities.
Riga organised a mix of activities, with educational events as well as joyful celebrations of the cycling culture. The Riga Urban Architect Service presented the Riga Street Typology Manual. This was designed to establish a common quality standard in the design of Riga's streets. The manual supports creating functionally balanced modern street space, and serves as a tool geared towards professionals, summarising principles and solutions for any stage of the process.
The 15th edition of the ‘Tweed Ride’, organised by the ‘Latvian Old-Time Bicycle Club’ in cooperation with the municipality, gathered residents and visitors on a route through some of the city’s most beautiful places, with activities along the way. The ride promoted cycling culture as well as charitable causes, holding workshops to repair 15 bicycles, which were then donated to children.
A hybrid seminar, ‘Shared Space - Mobility for All’, invited experts to assess the progress of the sustainable mobility goals set in the ‘Riga Development Programme’. The second half of the event included a panel, and involvement of participants, demonstrating the openness of the local authorities to receive constructive input and feedback.
POLIS, as part of the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Secretariat, coordinates the MOBILITYACTION Award. The finalists will be announced in early 2025, and winners for both awards will be announced by representatives of the European Commission during an awards ceremony in Spring 2025.