

Good parking management has shown to be a game changer in cities, playing a pivotal role in the revitalisation of urban areas. Effective parking policies lead to a more efficient use of private cars by reducing car travel and favouring the integration of with more sustainable transport modes. Furthermore, they improve access for freight travel and generate revenues for local authorities. At the same time, bad parking management can achieve the opposite, resulting in a cluttered urban space with reduced access for sustainable modes and reduced safety.

The world of parking is changing drastically, through planning and technology, and has to relate to shared and autonomous transport. Exciting times!

POLIS-EPA Partnership

POLIS cooperates on parking issues with the European Parking Association (EPA) to create a better understanding among the different actors in parking activities. The EPA is an umbrella organisation of 19 European national parking organisations. The EPA has established a European standard for parking facilities which is available here. POLIS and EPA regularly exchange information and expertise about making parking in cities better. They organise joint workshops and events on parking and release joint policy documents. The latest POLIS-EPA policy papers on parking can be found in the resources section.

POLIS Working Group on Parking

POLIS members largely benefit from POLIS extensive experience and partnerships on parking issues. The main platform to exchange best practices in parking management is the Working Group on Parking, which convenes twice per year.

POLIS projects 

POLIS is involved in Park4SUMP, the Horizon 2020 project that aims to reverse this status by considering parking management as part of a wider strategy that can benefit urban mobility but also the overall quality of life of our cities

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