A missed opportunity: MEPs and Transport Ministers Fail to Address Parking Regulation Compliance
Members of the European Parliament's Transport Committee and EU Transport Ministers recently missed a crucial opportunity to address non-compliance with parking regulations. POLIS and EPA join forces in response.
Despite adopting a report on the revision of the Directive on Cross-Border Exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences on 27 November, both MEPs and EU Transport Ministers failed to tackle the impunity of non-resident offenders and local resentment against foreign drivers.
The European Parking Association (EPA) and POLIS express deep regret over the oversight, emphasising the negative impacts of non-compliance, including increased congestion, higher emissions, accidents, and revenue loss for municipalities. The lack of Cross-Border Exchange (CBE) allows foreign drivers to violate regulations without consequences.
Nigel Williams, President of the European Parking Association, raises concerns about the damaging message sent to non-resident drivers, highlighting potential immunity from penalties.
EPA and POLIS urge Transport Ministers and MEPs to take a tougher stance on non-compliance with parking and Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs), emphasizing the need for dangerous driving behaviour recognition.
Karen Vancluysen, Secretary General of POLIS, regrets that European legislation missed a unique opportunity to address the problem and warns of potential technical complexities in alternative solutions.
EPA and POLIS pledge to continue working with EU institutions to raise awareness of the real-life impacts of non-compliance with parking regulations and UVARs, emphasizing their importance in legislative initiatives.
To know more about POLIS and EPA's position on the matter, check the attached press release, which highlights the missed opportunity to enhance road safety and reduce congestion by addressing non-compliance with parking regulations, urging readers to consider the broader implications of this oversight.