Polis Parking Working Group meeting (online)
The Sofia Traffic Centre and Polis are hosting the first meeting of the Polis Parking Working Group.
We would like to exchange on three topics, which we invite members to submit presentations on:
- Positive parking agenda: how can we ensure that parking supports new urban mobility lifestyles? (Ideas for discussion: parking and electromobility, parking for all modes: bicycle parking, coach parking, parking and car sharing – parking and micromobility)
- Financing and business models for off-street parking (Ideas for discussion: public private partnerships, relation to on-street policy and local building regulations)
- Parking and the built environment (ideas for discussion: building standards, new infrastructures: design requirements)
In addition we will discuss ongoing Polis and EPA activities on parking: the PARK4SUMP and MORE projects, the EPA-Polis workshop 2020 and the EPA congress 2021, and the development of a Polis Parking Paper.
Members are invited to submit their ideas for presentations by 15 March 2020. Please contact Ivo Cré if you want to present your experience!
The event will take place online and will run from 10:00 on 15 April and end at 13:00 on 16 April.
Please note that this event is for Polis members only. Register here.