
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a transport concept based on the combination of different transport services into one single mobile platform. Although MaaS schemes are not yet widely popular across Europe, the concept has the potential to impact current models of transport provision, particularly in urban areas.

Discussion of MaaS, driven partly by business and technology priorities, is beginning to have an impact on policy thinking, including at the EU level. It is important that city and regional authorities, who play a key role in regulating and providing transport services, contribute to this debate and avoid the risk of a purely commercial MaaS approach.

The integration of urban mobility services is discussed within the Polis Working Group on Traffic Efficiency and Mobility.

POLIS discussion paper on MaaS

POLIS laid out the views of its members on MaaS development in the discussion paper “Mobility as a Service: Implications for urban and regional transport”, published in 2017. The document aims to promote the integration of new and traditional mobility services with city and regional transport policies, notably the principles of multimodality and modal shift.

POLIS is also involved in MOMENTUM, an EU-funded projects that aims to fill this gap by developing new data analysis methods, transport models and planning support tools. MOMENTUM focuses particularly on Mobility as a Service, connected and autonomous vehicles, shared mobility services and demand-responsive transport.

Image: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock