ShareDiMobiHub partners meet in Gent, Belgium
On 22 and 24 March, ShareDiMobiHub partners met in Gent, Belgium to discuss the project progress and host an Expert Workshop.
The first day of ShareDiMobihub's partner meeting was marked by an agenda focused on key knowledge transfer activities meant to help the pilot cities start with their pilot implementation plans. The day kicked off with a digital session led by project partners Mpact and the city of Amsterdam, which presented two of the most relevant European-level data-sharing standards for shared mobility, the TOMP-API, used for facilitating communication between MaaS operators and shared mobility providers, and CDS-M focused on facilitating the exchange of information between cities' mobility authorities and shared mobility providers. The morning slot continued with the partners discussing how to improve and enhance ShareDiMobiHub's communication and dissemination strategy to effectively reach the project's target audiences and guarantee a relevant outreach for the project results.
During the afternoon, organizing partners and Mpact took the consortium to a site visit by bike through the city of Gent and its most relevant mobility hubs. The cycling tour combined history, interesting lesser-known facts about the city of Gent, and of course, a journey through Gent's pathway towards building a functional network of mobility hubs.
On the way back to the meeting venue from the site visit, the knowledge transfer activities continued with an expert workshop focused on tendering procedures for mobility hubs infrastructure, a presentation about the link between shared mobility and MaaS strategies by partner Vervoerregio Amsterdam, and a best practice example of inclusive digital mobility solutions from the Horizon 2020 project INDIMO. The workshop, the last activity on day one, concluded with a fishbowl discussion in which partners' views on different shared mobility topics were confronted.
Shaping ShareDiMobiHub's Digital Participatory Platform and drafting the road map of ShareDiMobiHub's impact research
Activities on the second day focused on drafting the road map for two of the main ShareDiMobiHub's outputs, the Digital Participatory Platform and the impact research report, both in charge of our university partners Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and the University of Antwerp respectively. The Digital Participatory Platform will be ShareDiMobihub's living tool during and after the project to inform other stakeholders in the North Sea Region about best practices, approaches and impacts related to upscaling strategies and actions for shared mobility hubs.