Traffic Efficiency
The Traffic Efficiency Working Group addresses the broad subject of multimodal network management from both a strategic and technical perspective.
Its main purpose is to enable knowledge sharing and reflection about current transport practice, new developments and evolving European policy related to network management, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and data.
Working Group meetings have mainly drawn upon POLIS’ experience and knowledge in ITS, which has been at the heart of POLIS activities since the creation of the network. The Working Group has focused in the recent past on issues such as multi-modal network management, data and digitalisation, automation, C-ITS, MaaS and European ITS/data policy.
Through the Working Group, POLIS partners with the EU’s CCAM platform, CCAM research partnership, POLIS-ACEA CCAM infrastructure dialogue, and NAPCORE communities of interest.
The topics being discussed in this Working Group are:
- Network management strategies and technology to improve the flow of sustainable modes;
- Policy-responsive network management to improve road safety and reduce emissions;
- Harnessing the potential of data for transport planning, performance assessment and operations;
- Digitalisation and digital services in transport;
- Planning and infrastructure aspects of vehicle automation and C-ITS;
- Artificial intelligence in transport;
- Demystifying EU policy on data and ITS.
Image: Jonas Leupe/Unsplash
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
Traffic management and Network management
More information
For further information, please contact Laura Babío