The Mobility Leaders Survey, 2024
Arthur D. Little, POLIS, and BVA Xsight, in preparation for the ADL x POLIS report: 'The future of mobility 5.0', joined forces by launching a Mobility Leaders Survey revealing insights & strategic directions from pioneers in the field.
In collaboration with BVA Xsight and POLIS, Arthur D. Little (ADL) prepared the ADL x POLIS report: ‘The future of mobility 5.0’ by conducting a quantitative global survey to examine the experiences, accomplishments, and prospects of mobility leaders. Representatives from public transit authorities (PTAs), public transport operators (PTOs), micro and shared mobility service providers, investors, and local/regional authorities from a variety of geographic areas participated in the study. Insights into achievements, necessary changes, and the perceived strategic goal for mobility leaders are provided by this viewpoint, which provides important findings from the larger research.
Read the full Mobility Leaders Survey 2024 here.
To read 'The future of mobility 5.0: Making the shift - Changing gear in the journey Making the shift — Changing gear in the journey toward sustainable mobility' report click here.