ITS Directive and Real-time Traffic Information (RTTI) delegated regulation
POLIS Mobility Efficiency Working Group is running two workshops addressing the EU’s policy/legislation related to transport data, focusing on the ITS Directive and two delegated regulations enabled by the ITS Directive.
All three pieces of legislation are either under revision currently, or will be revised in the near future. The aim of the workshop is create greater awareness and understanding of these legislations and how they (will) affect Polis members.
- 21 May, 11.00-12.30: ITS Directive and Real-time Traffic Information (RTTI) delegated regulation
- 1 June, 15.00-16.30: ITS Directive and Multi-modal Travel Information Services (MMTIS) delegated regulation
Please note that this meeting is open to POLIS members only. For further information, please contact Suzanne Hoadley