
Become a host organisation for the H2020 HiReach project

Foreseeing an open innovation programme connecting 20-25 talented startups with key players in the mobility sector, the HiReach project - a project related to transport poverty - is kicking-off the Startup Lab acceleration programme. In order to ensure a connection with real world problems, the H2020 HiReach project is scouting for potential hosting organisations.

A hosting organisation is any entity that perceives a mobility-related challenge. In order to fit with HiReach scope, the challenge must be

  1. relevant to vulnerable segments of the population (elderly, children, women, migrants, disabled people, low income people, people living in rural areas);
  2. solved through a technological solution;
  3. replicable elsewhere.

Public entities (e.g.: Municipalities, Regions, etc.) and NGOs are particularly suitable hosting organisations.

What to know about the HiReach Project

HiReach Project is a H2020 programme focused on transport-poverty related problems ( Currently, the project is sponsoring an Acceleration Program. The acceleration program will begin in mid/February 2020. The project will support up to 25 start-up teams for a period of 6 months. They will work on innovative mobility solutions aimed at helping vulnerable segments of the population – elderly, children, women, migrants, disabled people, low income people, people living in rural areas.

How to become a hosting organisation

Do you wish to know the perks of becoming a HiReach hosting organisation? You can directly contact Vasco Reis, Senior Consultant at TISpt - Consultores em Transportes, Inovação e Sistemas, S.A.


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