Thinking Cities magazine #15

Thinking Cities magazine #15

Thinking Cities #15 was launched online in occasion of the 2020 Annual POLIS Conference and in reflection of the events related to the COVID-19 crisis.

Titled “ONWARDS and UPWARDS”, the new Thinking Cities issue investigates the ongoing adaptation to new mobility challenges that cities have undergone since the pandemic; showcasing some of the pioneering efforts being established by POLIS members, and others, in low carbon transit, road safety, inclusion, public-private partnerships and more.

This issue complemented POLIS' conference, providing a taster of how our members and partners have been pioneering long term sustainable mobility. From Arnhem-Nijmegen, the Annual Conference’s virtual co-host, whose fast cycle networks have become a model for multimodality, to Helmond, a living lab for cutting-edge road safety technology. We also hear from several of our conference sponsors, DPD, Dott and Uber, three very different operators, but all pursing exciting sustainability agendas; as well as how POLIS’ working groups have been expanding conversations around gender and inclusivity in public transport.

“ONWARDS and UPWARDS” features articles from cities and regions across Europe and beyond, including Amsterdam, Arnhem-Nijmegen, Baden-Württemberg, Basel, Bern, Brussels, Budapest, Catalonia, Dublin, Groningen, Helmond, Jerusalem, Kaunas, Leuven, Limburg, Madrid, Occitania, Örebro, Wrocław and Zurich.

In a year which has turned all our lives upside down, inside out and back to front, our cities and regions have proved their resilience and are showing how extraordinarily adaptable they can be in the most trying of circumstances. As we (finally) begin to see the light at the end of what has been a long tunnel, we must rebuild our mobility with long-term sustainability goals front and centre. We can do it, but there is not a moment to lose…

Karen Vancluysen, POLIS Secretary General

Read Thinking Cities #15 'ONWARDS and UPWARDS' HERE!

Fostering Relations: An introduction to the Arnhem-Nijmegen City Region

Fostering Relations: An introduction to the Arnhem-Nijmegen City Region

Arnhem-Nijmegen City Region played virtual host to the POLIS 2020 Annual Conference. Innovation meets collaboration with impressive results... The POLIS 2020 Annual Conference The POLIS 2020 Annu...Read more
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Pattern Recognition: Budapest’s new urban mobility

Pattern Recognition: Budapest’s new urban mobility

POLIS’ Balázs Németh speaks with László Fendrik, acting CEO of the BKK Centre for Budapest Transport, to find out how the city is preparing for new patterns of urban mobility Budapest, like man...Read more
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Helmond: The city that puts road safety first

Helmond: The city that puts road safety first

How has Helmond come to play host to some of Europe's leading smart mobility innovation initiatives? Isobel Duxfield spoke to the city’s Matthieu Graindorge and Gert Blom to find out. Home to the B...Read more
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Coach and the city

Coach and the city

Does the subject of coach access to city centres get the attention it deserves? It certainly does now! POLIS' Ivo Cré on a challenge that's ready to be solved. Throughout Europe, cities ar...Read more
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Special Delivery: DPDgroup develops low emissions freight solutions

Special Delivery: DPDgroup develops low emissions freight solutions

The complex challenges posed by climate change require equally innovative solutions. In an effort to spearhead zero and low emissions freight for last mile delivery, DPDgroup is establishing partnersh...Read more
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Limburg’s SUMPs: The next generation

Limburg’s SUMPs: The next generation

Ricardo Poppeliers and Peter van Wijlick examine how North Limburg went above and beyond to bring together citizens and stakeholders across its eight municipalities for a truly successful SUMP.  ...Read more
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Delivering Happiness: Groningen’s clean traffic management

Delivering Happiness: Groningen’s clean traffic management

Jeroen Berends and Sjouke van der Vlugt, Policy Officers in Urban Planning at the Municipality of Groningen, spoke to Niels Keissen about how the inner city of Groningen can remain safe, clean and att...Read more
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Absolute Zero: Introducing Zero Emission Zones

Absolute Zero: Introducing Zero Emission Zones

Why are Zero Emission Zones for freight a priority? What problems do they solve and what benefits do they bring? POLIS' Giacomo Lozzi reports. POLIS, together with Transport Decarbonisation Alliance...Read more
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Raising the bar: SUMP award winners

Raising the bar: SUMP award winners

The SUMP Award recognises the progress being made in urban mobility. This year’s winner, Brussels Capital Region, demonstrates how our cities and regions are creating SUMPs that develop into accessi...Read more
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Invest in the Future: Örebro’s mobility models

Invest in the Future: Örebro’s mobility models

The Municipality of Örebro is finding new ways to set mobility targets and map out action for change. Per Elvingson finds out how computer modelling of a new rapid bus service is helping the POLIS me...Read more
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Sign Language: Dublin revitalises wayfinding

Sign Language: Dublin revitalises wayfinding

What happens when a city’s road signs are no longer fit for purpose? Colm Ennis examines POLIS member, Dublin City’s endeavour to replace over 300 bilingual signs on its Inner and Outer Orbital Ro...Read more
Read more 02/02/2021
Gender Mainstreaming: Creating inclusive mobility

Gender Mainstreaming: Creating inclusive mobility

In an attempt to secure a practical working definition of the term, POLIS’ Isobel Duxfield examines the shape that gender mainstreaming may take in women’s safety and security on public transport....Read more
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Busting Borders: Catalonia and Occitania promote cross-border cooperation

Busting Borders: Catalonia and Occitania promote cross-border cooperation

At its core, the European Union is an operation that unites its Member States. However, this integration is more than metaphorical roads and bridges; public transport networks are a crucial link betwe...Read more
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Harmonise to overcome hardship: The role of UVARs

Harmonise to overcome hardship: The role of UVARs

Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs) have made significant progress in combatting pollution in cities and regions. POLIS’ Niklas Schmalholz assesses how UVARs can coordinate sustainable mobility...Read more
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The Electric City: Madrid’s automated future

The Electric City: Madrid’s automated future

Sergio Fernández Balaguer explains how POLIS member, Madrid is gearing itself up for an automated future. The last decade has seen exciting developments in autonomous vehicle technology. F...Read more
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A Moving Story: The internet of things

A Moving Story: The internet of things

How the Internet of Things can enable Public Transport in the pandemic era, by Harald Remmert. Across the world and in industries as varied as factories and restaurants to commercial real e...Read more
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Zurich, Basel & Bern bring new MaaS solutions

Zurich, Basel & Bern bring new MaaS solutions

One small trip for cities... giant leap for Mobility as a Service. As digital technologies evolve, the opportunities for intelligent and integrated service provision are becoming ever mo...Read more
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An Electric Agenda: Uber’s sustainability drive

An Electric Agenda: Uber’s sustainability drive

Shin Pei Tsay and Zuzana Púčiková, examine the role of ride-hailing in sparking widespread electrification.   Time is of the essence to act against climate change, with road tra...Read more
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A New Philosophy: Amsterdam’s proactive traffic management

A New Philosophy: Amsterdam’s proactive traffic management

Giovanni Huisken and Tiffany Vlemmings on navigating the way to public-private cooperation: Amsterdam pilots proactive traffic management.   That sinking feeling, when you think you...Read more
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That Leuven Feeling

That Leuven Feeling

POLIS’ Niklas Schmalholz examines two projects, eHubs and MOMENTUM, that are transforming mobility in the Belgian City of Leuven – with more than a little help from its own citizens. Tr...Read more
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The end of free floating?

The end of free floating?

Shared micromobility services are more popular than ever. However, operators still face a number of challenges when it comes to local safety regulations. Alexandre Gauquelin, Sebastian Schlebusch and...Read more
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Co-creating: SUNRISE project shines the way

Co-creating: SUNRISE project shines the way

Citizen-centric policymaking is a solution that helps to include every socio-economic, cultural or ethnic group in an urban environment, as Niklas Schmalholz and Pasquale Cancellara discover.  ...Read more
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Getting tough on transport: Baden-Württemberg

Getting tough on transport: Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg is somewhat of a late mover in sustainable mobility. However, what it lacks in experience, the Region and federal State makes up for it in tough action. Christoph Erdmenger and Simo...Read more
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