A New Philosophy: Amsterdam's proactive traffic management
Giovanni Huisken and Tiffany Vlemmings on navigating the way to public-private cooperation: Amsterdam pilots proactive traffic management.
The Network Manager - uses the activated traffic management measures, alongside current and predicted network traffic state to calculate the problem state, based on the level of service of each network segment. The problem state is generated within the boundary conditions coming from the Strategy Table. Once the problem state is known, the Network Manager automatically generates Service Requests (SRs). SRs are available in two types, either an ‘avoid’-SR or ‘reroute’-SR type. An ‘avoid’-SR means that services should be activated to avoid a specific network link, while ‘reroute’-SR means that services should be activated to rerouted traffic following a specific route (made up of several network links). The Service Requests are forwarded to the (private) Service Providers, the (public) TMC’s and the Assessor.
The Service Providers - receive the SR’s in their backend systems and digest, filter and map them to establish which individual end users are eligible to receive a specific service. The service is then sent out to the end-user’s device and displayed as an advice or recommendation. The end-user then decides to either follow the advice or ignore it. Service providers can encourage travellers to follow their advice by providing incentives. For each SR, follow up behaviour is monitored and forwarded to the Assessor.
The TMC’s - also receive SR’s in their Traffic Management System. The operator can either acknowledge an SR or discard it. When acknowledged, accompanying services (a selection of one or more traffic management measures) are activated, e.g., the display of a message on a Dynamic Panel, adjustment of green times of traffic lights, the activation of ramp metering, etc. This information is then forwarded to the Network Monitor and the Assessor.
The Assessor - collects a vast amount of data; information on the current and predicted state, activated measures, sent out Service Requests, reached and impacted fleet vehicles and also KPI’s and toolbox information. This information is used to establish – on regular intervals – the impact of each partner in the total ecosystem. The results will be used to assess if adjustments of the KPI’s and/or Toolbox are necessary and in how far the cooperation of the participating partners is successful.