Urban Nodes

The Urban Nodes Taskforce offers a platform for members to engage in peer-to-peer exchanges, fostering collaboration on achieving TEN-T targets and goals for Urban Nodes by 2027.

The EU’s Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) policy is a key instrument for developing coherent, efficient, multimodal, and high-quality transport infrastructure across Europe.

The new TEN-T approach identifies 431 Urban Nodes along the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). Urban nodes play a pivotal role within TEN-T framework, as they serve as ‘cross-roads’ where different types of transport networks (air, maritime, road, rail) converge in densely populated areas with increased transport demand. One primary challenge is improving coordination among stakeholders such as national governments, regional authorities, transport operators, and urban planners.

By 2027, each urban node is expected to have a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in place, serving as a medium-term, integrated plan encompassing all aspects of mobility within a Functional Urban Area (FUA). Furthermore, by the same deadline, urban nodes are required to collect and submit urban mobility data to the European Commission. To improve connectivity and address first and last-mile challenges, the development of multimodal passenger hubs is targeted for completion by 2030. In addition to passenger mobility, efforts are also underway to enhance freight transportation. By 2040, each urban node is expected to have access to at least one multimodal freight terminal.

To support the more than 60 POLIS member cities and in this endeavour, we established the POLIS Urban Nodes Taskforce. 

Topic priorities for 2025

The topics being discussed by this Taskforce are: 

  • Multilevel governance of the urban nodes and planning obligations in link with a joint city-region-national level nexus (in partnership and independently)
  • Urban Nodes and UMIs: support the organisational structure and follow the progress of UMIs, including data collection
  • Sharing available knowledge and tools in the transport sector, including useful resources and results from European Research and Innovation projects
  • Fostering mutually beneficial cooperation between POLIS members
  • Synergies for access to European funding opportunities, Research and Innovation projects, and piloting of new solutions from private-sector stakeholders
  • Crafting a common voice on TEN-T-related topics whenever relevant and appropriate, to raise issues of common interest

For further information

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Marko Stančec and Melina Zarouka, Urban Nodes Taskforce Co-Coordinators.