
FrankfurtRheinMain Region

Located in the centre of Germany and at the heart of Europe, the FrankfurtRheinMain polycentric region is an essential hub of international business and travel, making it one of the most dynamic and innovative regions in the EU. It is the second largest metropolitan region in Germany, with over 460 towns and cities and a total population of around 5.9 million, making it a vibrant and highly diverse region. The region is also home to Frankfurt Airport, one of Europe’s leading airports for passenger and cargo traffic.

Main riverbank in Frankfurt. Credit:

FrankfurtRheinMain's current mobility strategy follows a concrete multimodal roadmap towards creating a sustainable and efficient mobility system within a region that lies at one of the cores of European transport. In 2020, the Regional Authority FrankfurtRheinMain adopted its first Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for Frankfurt’s urban agglomeration, covering not only its major cities but its greater functional transport area as a whole. Through this ambitious plan, FrankfurtRheinMain is aiming to become a 5-minute region, increasing sustainable transport modes up to 65% by 2030 so that any of these options is merely a five-minute walk from people's living spaces.

Vineyard Lohrberg and skyline of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Credit:

At POLIS, the region has been sharing its extensive knowledge within the Regions Working Group, helping to further elevate the effectiveness of sustainable mobility plans not just within cities, but also within large regions. FrankfurtRheinMain is also involved in the Governance & Integration Working Group and the Climate-Neutral Cities Mission Platform. Its European office is active in the Brussels Bubble Band, namely representatives of POLIS members based in Brussels who meet to discuss key topics in EU urban mobility policy and ways of cooperating to elevate the needs of local and regional authorities on such topics.

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