Regions and Urban Nodes contributing to the European Year of Rail
As part on the EU Year of the Rail and the European Week of Regions and Cities, POLIS and ERRIN invite you to the workshop "Regions and Urban Nodes contributing to the European Year of Rail", taking place on 13 October.
As part of the European Week of Regions and Cities, POLIS and ERRIN will be holding a digital workshop on 13 October 2021, 9:30 -11:00 (CEST).
Regions and urban nodes provide a major contribution to the European ambitions towards more international passenger transport by train. This workshop will look at joint challenges and solutions at the local and European level. With speakers from the European Commission, Metropolitan Region Arnhem-Nijmegen, FrankfurtRheinMain Regional Authority, Regional Council of Southwest Finland and Ile-de-France Region, this workshop will provide an in-depth understanding and analysis of the sector.
Unless action is taken, transport risks becoming an even larger source of greenhouse gas emissions, jeopardizing the EU’s ability to meet its overall objectives set out in the Green Deal. Regions and urban nodes tackle this challenge by facilitating more long and short-distance train travel, especially during this European Year of Rail.
The workshop will discuss best practices on stronger links between regional urbanisation and (inter)national transport, and potential EU support actions and policies.
Registrations are open here.