Land use and mobility planning- thinking beyond the boundaries!
POLIS' Regions and Urban Freight working groups join for a combined meeting on regional aspects of land use planning and settlement structures for sustainable mobility patterns. It's time to break our siloed approaches!
Designing more sustainable and effective mobility infrastructure and services means cooperation between mobility departments, urban planning, even between freight and passenger transport. So how can we go about this? Which research, projects and practices can we draw from? and what further work is needed?
POLIS' Regions and Urban Freight working groups join to discuss online, on 13 March; 2023, 10:00-12:00 CET.
We hear from FrankfurtRheinMain on how the Regional Authority is formally tasked with setting up and applying a legally binding regional land-use plan for the 80 municipalities in the core of FrankfurtRheinMain, strong instruments which will provide participants insight into policy actions taking place, linking EU cooperation on land-use planning and urban-rural connections.
We also hear from Oslo and their regional plan for land use planning and transport, the plan was imposed by the national government and made through a joint local collaboration, with substantial work on-boarding municipal governments in the processes.
Université Gustave Eiffel also provides insights from the TOD project, which seeks to undertake significant research contributions to the scientific and societal challenge of countering sprawl in Europe. The university's logistics chair also provides insight from regional freight planning research.
Please be aware that this meeting is for POLIS members only. If you have any questions, please contact,
More information and registration HERE.