23/03/2022 Online

Regions working group meeting: Public transport

POLIS' Regions working group will meet in March 2022, the first in several events planned across this calendar year.

POLIS’ regions working group, chaired by Baden-Württemberg, was established earlier this year in response to calls from members for greater attention to regions’ unique mobility patterns and needs.

The first meeting of 2022 will be held online on 23 March 2022, exploring a range of issues surrounding public transport faced by regions, including:

  • Expanding rail transport (partly in direct responsibility of regions)
  • Coordinating regional transport with long-distance transport
  • Introducing Express Busses (partly supported by regions)
  • Attractive Pricing (partly organised and/or funded by regions)

We hear from POLIS members about their best practices and challenges they have faced, as well as the principle author of the ITF's report  'Innovations for Better Rural Mobility'.


Our working group meetings are for POLIS members only. Want to know more about POLIS Network membership? If you have any questions, please contact Isobel Duxfield at: iduxfield@polisnetwork.eu

Find out more HERE


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