Zsófia Jákói
Zsófia joined POLIS in May 2023.
As a Project Officer, Zsófia supports the Clean Vehicle and Air Quality Working Group. She works on urban logistics projects such as UNCHAIN, focused on enhancing urban freight delivery, and MoLo Hubs, dealing with urban logistics hubs. Additionally, she plays a key role in SYNCHROMODE, which is developing advanced traffic management solutions, and she provides support to the UAM-related projects MUSE and MAIA.
Before joining POLIS, Zsófia interned at the International Road Transport Union (IRU), working on advocacy and projects related to commercial road freight transport. She also has experience working on the European Green Deal and Fit-for-55 packages with Members of the European Parliament’s Environmental Committee.
Zsófia holds a degree in Political Science from Vrije Universiteit Brussels and studied Business Management at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
You can contact her in English and Hungarian.