2023 - 2026


ESCALATE brings together a highly diverse and committed consortium focused on escalating zero-emission HDVs and logistic intelligence. The goal? To power the European Union's net-zero future!

Heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) account for about 25% of EU road transport CO2 emissions and about 6% of total EU emissions. In line with the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal targets, Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 setting CO2 emission standards for HDVs (from August 14, 2019) forces the transition to a seamless integration of zero-emission vehicles into fleets. 

To contribute to achieving these ambitious goals, the ESCALATE project aims to demonstrate high-efficiency powertrains for long-haul applications that will provide a range of 800 km without refueling/recharging and cover at least 500 km average daily operation in real conditions. The project is built on novel concepts around three main innovation areas:  

  1. Standardized well-designed, cost-effective modular and scalable multi-powertrain components.  
  2. Fast Fueling and Grid-friendly charging solutions. 
  3. Digital Twin & AI-based management tools considering capacity, availability, speed, and nature of the charging infrastructures as well as the fleet structures. 

Lasting a total of 42 months (January 2023 - July 2025) and coordinated by FEV Europe (Project Coordinator) and Surrey University (Technical Coordinator); it counts on highly innovative and dedicated partners (37 from 13 countries), namely: FEV Europe, FEV France, DLR, MBT, INEGI, RWTH, BMC, VTT, AUTH, ENGIE, CEA, FEV TR, AI4SEC, BRING, BLRD, KEM, VIV, Hydrogen Europe, ERG, PBX, Primafrio, RSTER, TUBITAK, BSA, SISU, VAL, ORTEM, DHL, DIN, TRJ, RHM, Tefken, Ford, Coventry University, ELECT, AEM, and of course, POLIS Network

The consortium pays special attention to selecting the routes of 5 pilots from / close connection to the TEN-T road network on which charging and refuelling stations are and will be available. Routes with lower barriers or higher benefits to start market operations, along with future initiatives within the Connecting Europe Facility context are privileged.

Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit the project's website and follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.