Safety & Security
Through the Safety & Security Working Group, POLIS joins cities and regions to address how to make urban mobility networks safe for all users.
The Working Group addresses street and road safety, with a particular focus on protecting those who walk, cycle, or use public transport or shared micromobility vehicles.
It also addresses the security of urban mobility networks, focusing on protecting users of transport infrastructure from gender-based sexual harassment, violent crime, and terrorist acts.
The topics being discussed in this Working Group are:
- The New Paradigm for Safe City Streets
- The Safe System and the Vision Zero approaches
- Speed management and Traffic Calming principles, methods, strategies, and solutions;
- The convergence of policies, strategies, and solutions for safe, sustainable, and affordable mobility (e.g., low traffic neighbourhoods, safe cycling networks, school zones, shared spaces, walkable mobility hubs, 30 kph Zones)
- Data collection, analysis, and applications, including quantitative data on (past) crashes and near misses, and qualitative data for (proactive) assessment of network safety
- Capacity building for key stakeholders at the political, technical and advocacy levels
- Improvements in vehicle design (e.g., direct vision for trucks) and performance (e.g., Intelligent Speed Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles)
- Technological innovation to improve enforcement (e.g., speed cameras) and infrastructure safety (from high to low-tech solutions).
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), applied to public transport stops, stations, and connecting hubs and pedestrian paths
- Gender based sexual violence in public transport and public spaces
- Protection of crowded places against terrorist attacks, with a special focus on urban public transport infrastructure
- Risk Management principles and methods
Image: Edouard Gilles/Unsplash
More information
For further information, please contact Pedro Homem de Gouveia, Jorge Manso García