
POLIS joins open letter calling for a stronger EU transport budget

POLIS has joined an open letter addressing the General Affairs and the Economic and Financial Affairs Councils to call for a stronger EU transport budget. The letter is co-signed by 45 organisations from the European transport sector.

Amidst times of rising geopolitical tensions, exacerbating climate risks, and the urgent need to boost European competitiveness in accordance with environmental imperatives, connectivity is ever more key.

Strong, well-integrated and seamlessly connected trans-European transport infrastructure is a pivotal precondition for building a competitive and resilient Europe. As already stated by the signatories in April 2024, this will not be possible without a solid dedicated funding instrument.

A competitive and resilient Europe needs a strong budget

The European coordination of infrastructure across borders is the only guarantee for safeguarding the smooth functioning of the EU internal market, promoting Europe’s competitiveness and cohesion, and bolstering its resilience and military preparedness.

As such, the transport sector is very concerned about the Commission’s plans to redirect a large majority of the European transport funding towards National Single Plans. This open letter, bearing the signature of 45 organisations from the whole spectrum of the sector, calls on the General Affairs and Finance Ministers of the Member States to give a strong signal in favour of preserving a solid dedicated European transport funding instrument.

If Europe aims to lead the global shift towards climate neutral industry and society, then it needs to set a well-functioning trans-European transport infrastructure as a top priority and ensure long-term, strategic funding for its completion, upscaling, and maintenance.

'Common EU financial instruments are essential to guarantee the implementation of EU priorities for TEN-T, electromobility, ITS and active travel. Local and regional governments are ready to deploy innovative transport solutions that contribute to the EU’s sustainability goals and for the continent to stay economically competitive. In many cases, member states are slowing down the fast track cities and regions have taken towards climate-neutral mobility. Those deciding on the MFF should be aware that local and regional authorities in charge of mobility need European support. The new EU Financial Framework should answer that call.'

Karen Vancluysen, Secretary General of POLIS