Open letter for a stronger EU transport budget to build a competitive and resilient Europe

Open letter for a stronger EU transport budget to build a competitive and resilient Europe

POLIS has joined 44 transport organisations in signing an open letter to the General Affairs and Economic and Financial Affairs Councils calling for a stronger EU transport budget.

POLIS has joined 45 organizations from across the European transport sector urging EU Ministers of General Affairs and Economic and Financial Affairs to preserve a dedicated and robust EU transport budget instrument.

This call comes at a crucial time when Europe needs to enhance its competitiveness, ensure it is on track for its climate targets, and face rising geopolitical tensions.

Why it matters

A well-connected, fully integrated trans-European transport infrastructure is a key driver for Europe’s economic and environmental resilience.

POLIS and all fellow signatories emphasise that these objectives will never be achieved if not supported by a strong, dedicated EU transport funding instrument. As such, the European Commission’s plans to redirect significant transport funding towards National Single Plans is particularly worrying.

Preserving a European coordinated and managed investment instrument will prevent deviations from shared goals disguised as national priorities and ensure local and regional authorities can access vital resources.