2015 - 2019


The goal? Stimulating safe walking and cycling within a multimodal transport environment.

ISAAC developed evidence-based recommendations to achieve a modal shift in favour of walking and cycling - without compromising road safety, social security and comfort. The project brings together research findings and expertise from relevant disciplines including health and care, environment, transport and urban planning and traffic safety.

ISAAC was a project that ran from September 2016 until August 2018. The project was funded by CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme Call 2015. Consortium partners were SWOV (NL, Coordinator), VIAS (BE), TU Dresden (DE), TOI (NO) and POLIS Network (BE).


red and white love print on roadISAAC developed the PedBikePlanner, a tool that helps planners to identify the most effective and appropriate measure to boost walking and cycling in their city.

The instrument advises based on local conditions, current travel patterns and modal split, road safety, the road environment, population and policy ambitions. Implementation costs are also considered in the recommendations. The guide provides tailored suggestions for appropriate interventions, considering several characteristics of cities, their ambitions and target groups related to modal shift. Input data is already available for a wide range of European cities. The output is factsheets per walking or cycling measure that not only describe the intervention but list research results and evidence on the measure's impact on modal shift and road safety.

Access it here:

Travel attitudes survey in 9 European citiescrowding people crossing on pedestrian lane

An extensive survey was conducted in nine European cities that collected empirical data on the psychological determinants and barriers of a modal shift towards walking, cycling and the use of Personal e-Transporters such as the electric scooter, monowheel, segway, etc. The aim was to better understand people’s travel mode choices, and to investigate how the use of more sustainable active transport modes can be increased.

Download the full report here: Determinants and barriers of walking, cycling and using Personal eTransporters: a survey in nine European cities

Modal Choice in a Multimodal Transport System, 8-9 May 2015, Brussels

The Final Conference of CEDR's Transnational Research Programme “User Needs in a Multimodal Context” (2015), which funded the ISAAC and STTRIDE projects, took place on Thursday, 9 May in Brussels, Belgium. A recording of the conference is available on YouTube.

The presentations given at the conference can be found below under "related documents".
