2022 - 2023


ISA-FIT aims to provide a solid all-in retro-ISA solution for urban environments to speed up the introduction for the benefit of drivers and other road users.

Kicked off on Tuesday, 10 May 2022 and will end on January 2023, ISA-FIT - Intelligence Speed Assistance retrofit for cities and regions - is a progressive new initiative funded by EIT Urban Mobility, focusing on road safety enhancement, speeding limitation, car accidents and death rate reduction.

highway at nightPOLIS, CTAG - Automotive Technology Center of Galicia, the City of Helmond, Eindhoven University of Technology, Tractebel Engineering, and V-Tron are the partners responsible for the final on-site testing, results, and communication to make the project enforced by 2025.

Preventing speeding is one of the most effective ways to reduce traffic crashes, both in numbers and severity. Reducing the speed limits, particularly in urban areas, is necessary – but that measure is not enough by itself: infrastructure and vehicles also matter.

The project's final product is a retrofitting plan of ISA-FIT for the existing cars in the EU, a new ISA-FIT system tool installation for the cars starting in 2024 and a persistent step-by-step procurement plan.

Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit the project's website.