FLOW, a CIVITAS - Horizon 2020 project that developed a multimodal analysis methodology to assess the impact of walking and cycling measures on transport network performance and congestion.
FLOW was the first project explicitly linking walking and cycling with congestion reduction. The project took a trans-disciplinary approach to congestion reduction and aimed to create and implement a new state-of-the-art by integrating the FLOW methodology and congestion assessment tools into the current standard transport impact analysis process. FLOW's ideas were tested in its partner cities of Budapest, Dublin, Gdynia, Lisbon, Munich and Sofia. Its objectives were:
- To define the role of walking and (safe) cycling in congestion reduction
- To develop and apply tools for assessing the congestion-busting impacts of various walking and cycling measures
- To demonstrate and assess the congestion reduction impact of various walking and cycling measures
- To actively support the take-up of congestion-reducing measures by public administration
- To increase awareness of the congestion reduction potential of walking and cycling
- To foster the market for new walking and cycling products and services for congestion reduction
- To communicate congestion reduction facts of walking and cycling.
FLOW's "Walking, Cycling and Congestion Implementer's Guide to Using the FLOW Tools for Multimodal Assessments" outlines the ways transport sector businesses can use the FLOW approach to help clients and administrations better ask, and answer, questions about the impacts of walking and cycling measures. These include transport planning and engineering consultants as well as producers of transport equipment and supplies (e.g., pavement systems or cycling rack builders). It can assist such businesses in communicating improved methods for analysing multimodal transport system performance.
"Walking and Cycling: A Multimodal Approach to Congestion Management - FLOW project summary and recommendations" is available here.
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