Introducing SCALE, a new HEU project on EVs and smart charging
SCALE is a 3-year project co-funded by the new Horizon Europe Programme (HEU) with a budget of around 10 million EUR. It aims to advance smart charging and Vehicle-2-Grid (V2G) ecosystems to shape a new energy eco-system wherein the flexibility of EV batteries’ is harnessed. Leading European cities, universities and knowledge partners, networks, and energy and electric vehicle (EV) industry pioneers kicked off the project in June 2022.
Why do we need smart charging?
The uptake of EVs in a mass-deployment scenario, coupled with the flexibility of renewable energy generation, could form the basis of a decentralized power system simultaneously decarbonizing both transport and energy sectors.
The rising sales of EVs impose significant pressure on energy demand and the power system. However, EVs can increase energy efficiency and the share of renewable energies in Europe through the use of smart and digitally controlled charging systems. These systems can store the surplus energy produced by renewables in EV batteries through state-of-the-art V2X technologies.
SCALE is in line with the ambitions of mass deployment of EVs in Europe stated in the EU Smart Mobility strategy, EU Green Deal and the interim Fitfor55 Package, all aiming for a climate-neutral Europe.
How will SCALE contribute to Europe’s smart charging network?
SCALE’s strategic objective is to create an open system solution, deploying a user-centric approach, thus reducing the need for power grid reinforcement investments.
The project will test and validate a variety of smart charging and V2X solutions and services in 13 use cases in real-life demonstrations in 7 European contexts: Oslo (NO), Rotterdam/Utrecht (NL), Eindhoven (NL), Toulouse (FR), Greater Munich Area (GER), Budapest/Debrecen (HU) and Gothenburg (SE).
Going further, project results, best practices, and lessons learned will be shared across EU cities, regions, and relevant e-mobility stakeholders. SCALE aims to create a system blueprint for user-centric smart charging and V2X for European cities and regions.
Who is part of the SCALE project?
The Consortium comprises cutting-edge European e-mobility actors including Distribution System Operators (DSOs), aggregators, public authorities, and e-mobility service providers. It is led by ElaadNL, one of the world’s leading knowledge and innovation centres in smart charging and charging infrastructure. The twenty-nine partners include:
- Original equipment and charging manufacturers: Hyundai, Renault, Sono Motors, Polestar, VDL, ABB
- DSO & TSOs: LEW Verteilnetz GmbH, Enedis, European Crowd Balancing Platform (Equigy) and Flexibility Service Providers (Enervalis)
- Charge Point Operators (CPOs) and e-Mobility Service Providers: We Drive Solar, GoodMoovs, Current, EMS)
- Public authorities and associations: City of Utrecht, POLIS, UEMI, AVERE, Elbil
- Research & knowledge partners: ElaadNL, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, RISE, Trialog, CERTH, University of Utrecht, Chalmers, FIER, Rupprecht Consult
Project Coordinator
Baerte de Brey, ElaadNL Email: |
Project Manager
Henning Guenter, Rupprecht Consult |
Photo credit: Eakasit