
Creating the Safe City. The May 2018 Issue of Thinking Cities is Out!

We proudly announce the release of the 10th issue of Thinking Cities. This issue has road safety as its cover theme, but also addresses many other questions while looking at the most recent transport innovations in cities and regions from Europe and beyond.

If you want to discover why there are zebras crossing the road on the main cover, you should check out the Editorial by Karen Vancluysen, Secretary General of Polis, and Kevin Borras, Editor-in-Chief of Thinking Cities. They provide more than one explanation. They also dig deeper into the relationship between technology and safety, wondering whether the latest developments in the transport sector - automation, electrification, increased connectivity - will eventually lead to safer cities for people.

This issue also includes reports from Manchester, Amsterdam, Bogotá, Turda, Milan, Barcelona, Bologna, Flanders, Catalonia, Dublin, Graz, London, Madrid, New York City, Paris, Rome, and São Paulo.

You can read the Thinking Cities magazine here. Click here to download the PDF version.