
Cerema announces training sessions for temporary cycle facilities

Cities across the world are planning temporary cycle lanes to keep people safe during the COVID-19 crisis. However, with the speed at which measures are being implemented, many cities are seeking guidance on how best to create safe temporary cycle infrastructure.

In response, Cerema is running sessions to provide technical guidance for implementing temporary cycling facilities.

In addition to the release of a guide, Cerema is offering 6 online flash training sessions to set out the key levers that facilitate the movement of cyclists during and after lockdown. Sessions will include:

  • Reallocating road space
  • Extending existing cycling facilities
  • Acting on parking spaces
  • Modifying traffic plans
  • Moderating vehicle speeds
  • Authorising cyclists in bus lanes
  • Setting up bicycle parking

You can find out more and register here. Please note that these sessions take place in French.
