Unlocking the Potential of Local and Regional Governments in the Social Climate Fund
The Local Alliance has released a report warning that the €86 billion EU Social Climate Fund (SCF) faces significant risks of mismanagement. Based on findings from the Alliance's member organizations, the report uncovers widespread non-compliance with essential requirements outlined in SCF legislation.
The Local Alliance has released a report warning that the €86 billion EU Social Climate Fund (SCF) is at risk of mismanagement due to widespread non-compliance with key requirements in the SCF legislation. The report, based on research by the Alliance's member organizations, highlights the failure of many national governments to adequately consult local and regional governments, a key obligation under the SCF.
As part of the Local Alliance, POLIS has contributed to this report, which stresses that vulnerable households across the EU may be underserved by the SCF if national governments do not engage with local authorities. The report reveals that many governments are neglecting or delaying required consultations, undermining the potential for the SCF to meet local needs.
The report calls for urgent action, particularly as the June deadline for submitting national Social Climate Plans approaches. It emphasizes that meaningful consultation with local governments is critical not only for compliance but also for ensuring the SCF effectively supports vulnerable communities.
The Local Alliance recommends that Member States prioritize collaboration with local and regional governments in developing plans like SECAPs and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. This is crucial for ensuring the SCF meets its goals.