CHAMP allowed the cities to learn from each other and disseminate good practices in the cycling field.
CHAMP (Cycling Heroes Advancing Sustainable Mobility Practice) brought together six champion cities (Edinburgh, Örebro, Burgos, Groningen, Bolzano and Ljubljana) in the field of cycling policy. Despite their high number of cyclists, these cities were trying to further increase the cycling share of the modal split by sharing experiences and good practices.

- An increase of 10% of trips done by bike in the project cities Groningen, Bolzano, Burgos, Örebro, Edinburgh, Ljubljana and Kaunas.
- A CHAMP performance analysis tool is available (see 'key deliverables'). This tool offers an easy-to-use procedure for analyzing a city’s cycling strategy to fill the gaps.
- Training workshops on involving citizens and on implementing bicycle measures are organized. CHAMP also offers an exchange program open to external cities. At least 20 cities outside the consortium will take part in these training sessions.
- The CHAMP catalogue will give advice and inspiration to all European cities on how to (further) improve their cycling policy. The catalogue will describe the overall cycling strategy of the leading cycling cities and will be an invitation for on-site visits to the project cities.
- Dissemination of the results to policy influencers and decision takers will raise awareness of the economical, ecological and energy efficient benefits of increased bicycle use in cities. The long-term effect of the project is an estimated reduction of 80.000 T CO2/year by 2020.
Documents: CHAMP Evaluation plan
The project was funded by the European Intelligent Energy Europe (IIE) Programme.
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