
Why you should subscribe to the WeCount newsletter

At a time where monitoring changes in traffic is vital, WeCount will play a key role in informing decision-making in this challenging situation. Keep up to date with the latest on WeCount by signing up to this newsletter.  

Urban mobility is changing like never before. With the current crisis causing huge disruption to life in cities across the world, questions remain over what impact will be felt in mobility. How will public transport use change? Will people walk and cycle more? Will car use increase? What impact will all this have on communities? 

Now more than ever, monitoring the impact on mobility in our streets and neighbourhoods is vital. That’s where WeCount comes in. WeCount aims to empower citizens to take a leading role in the production of data, evidence and knowledge around mobility in their own neighborhoods and at a street level. The project uses participatory citizen science to co-create and use innovative low-cost, automated, traffic counting sensors. WeCount is operating in 5 pilots in Madrid, Ljubljana, Dublin, Cardiff and Leuven.

WeCount aims to change the way transport planners and policy researchers collect traffic counting data by integrating citizens into transport monitoring and translating this into practical policy messages. At a time where monitoring changes in traffic is vital, WeCount - and the citizens involved in the project - will play a key role in informing decision-making this challenging time.

To keep you informed about all things WeCount, we’ve created a newsletter providing the latest news and updates on the project and much more. 


By signing up for the WeCount newsletter, you’ll be getting:

  • Latest news: Updates on the very latest from our work involving citizens with mobility policy decision-making in five European cities
  • Articles and insights: Interesting news from our friends and partners, and relevant developments on citizen science, traffic monitoring and mobility policy-making
  • Events: Reminders on relevant upcoming conferences, meetings and workshops that are relevant for WeCount

To find out more about WeCount, check out the website or follow the project on Twitter!